A Palliative Care Nurse in Macon, GA Can Alleviate End-of-Life Pain and Discomfort

by | Feb 28, 2017 | Healthcare

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People often confuse hospice care with palliative care. However, there is a difference between the two types of care. Both of these levels of care are designed to provide comfort. However, palliative care starts at the outcome of a diagnosis, or when treatment begins. Hospice care, on the other hand, begins after the treatment of a disease is stopped, or when it is apparent that a patient will not survive an illness.

The Challenge of Pain Management

Therefore, a palliative care nurse in Macon, GA is well-trained to provide the needed comfort and care to terminally ill patients. She or he also knows when a patient is not exactly forthright about their level of pain. For instance, some patients may freely express their level of discomfort. However, other patients may try to hide the amount of pain they are experiencing.

Patients who do not express their discomfort may be doing so to appear strong or protect their family’s feelings. Some patients believe suffering is a regular part of living and that admitting to pain is a sign of weakness. While any patient has the right to refuse or accept treatment from a palliative care nurse, it is still the philosophy of the healthcare professional to try to relieve the pain of a patient and make them comfortable.

How to Tell When a Patient is Hiding Their Discomfort

With that being said, it is generally not possible for a patient to completely hide their discomfort. Physical changes also occur that alert an observant palliative care nurse to a patient’s discomfort. For example, some of these signs include an increase in the systolic blood pressure and an increased heart rate. The patient may also hold their legs or arms tightly, or they may guard their position in bed if they are moved.

So, it is important to click here now if you have a loved one who can benefit from the care of a nursing professional. Nurses in the hospice and palliative field are trained to make sure that a patient receives the type of medicine and comfort they need. Click here for more information.

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