Aftercare Instructions Following Tooth Extractions in Bellaire, TX

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Dentist

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If you have a tooth that is beyond repair due to extensive damage, an extraction may be recommended. Family dentistry in Bellaire, TX can provide you with the dental services you need, including safe tooth extractions. It is important to note, however, that following your procedure, you will need to adhere to the post-procedure instructions below to ensure optimal healing.

Avoid Disturbing the Protective Clot

After your tooth extraction, a protective blood clot will form over the space in your mouth. The clot must remain undisturbed because if it falls out, a painful condition known as a dry socket can develop. You may also be at a greater risk for excessive bleeding and infection if the protective clot falls out. To avoid disturbing the protective blood clot, avoid smoking and drinking through a straw, as these actions can create suction that can dislodge the blood clot. If the clot falls out, notify the professional in family dentistry in Bellaire, TX who extracted your tooth.

Saltwater Rinses

Gently rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution will help promote healing and reduce the risk of infection after you get your tooth pulled. Start rinsing your mouth with the saltwater solution a day or so after your extraction and do so a few times a day. The rinses help remove food particles from the socket, reduce the risk of infection, promote blood flow, and minimize swelling. To prepare your saltwater solution, combine about a half teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water. Remember to avoid swishing vigorously so that you do not disturb the protective blood clot.

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