You can buy a wedding cake in Dallas in any number of designs, flavors and styles of icing. Although most wedding cakes are traditional in nature, that does not mean you cannot include your own unique preferences when preparing and ordering a cake.
An Interesting Combination
A wedding cake, when ordered in the local bakery, can be composed of one to five tiers and be made with plain sponge or with chocolate added to the mix. One interesting cake combination pairs banana cake with traditional white icing. The icing is then adorned with fresh strawberries. One couple had little wedding cakes made – each cupcake design looked like a diminutive version of the traditional cake.
Placing an Order for a Cake
In order to place an order for a cake, you first need to determine the approximate number of people who will be attending your reception. Tell the baker how many invitees you will be expecting so he or she can tell you just how big of a cake you will need.
Providing Additional Cake
The average wedding cake is made of three tiers – usually with dimensions of 12” x 9” x 6”. This size of cake feeds around 150 people. The three-tiered cake is the biggest size that is still convenient enough to serve. Therefore, if extra cake is needed, a sheet cake is often recommended – baked, iced and portioned to serve as a backup cake.
Another Way to Serve Cake
Naturally, you want to serve all your guests – not just yourself and the groom. So, it is important to choose the right cake ingredients and icing and make sure you have enough cake for everyone in attendance. However, if you get married in Japan, you may find serving the cake to be less of a struggle. For example, the Hotel Okura, which is located in Tokyo, is one of Japan’s more fashionable wedding locales.
The hotel features a storeroom that houses artificial and elaborate cake constructions. The cakes, which look real, are entirely inedible, save for a small section that has been hollowed for a frosted wedge of cake. This cake is cut by the bride and served to the groom.
Meanwhile, the remainder of the cake is being cut in the kitchen into large rectangles. While that is not generally the way cake is served in Dallas, it does give you pause for thought when it comes to ordering and selecting your own cake design.
One Final Note
Since you know that three tiers of a cake measuring 12” x 9” x 6” can feed around 150 guests, you can decide on the size and number of tiers based on that basic information. If your wedding is going to be much larger, then, of course, you will need to consult with your baker as to what he or she believes will work out best for your reception plans. Get your wedding cake from Casa Linda Bakery.