Periodontal disease is a condition that can cause damage to the gum tissue and the teeth. This infection can also lead to massive damage to the jawbone. When an individual suffers from periodontal disease, it is imperative they seek prompt treatment from Angstadt Family Dental in Wyomissing PA. Waiting too long to seek treatment could lead to tooth loss. With this information, individuals will better understand what they can expect from treatment.
How Is Gum Disease Treated?
In the past, the procedure for treating gum disease was quite invasive. Often, oral surgery would have to be carried out and the dentist would remove the diseased gum tissue with a scalpel. This was often a painful procedure to go through because of the healing process.
Today, this procedure can be done with the help of a laser. Lasers offer more precise treatment options to help individuals overcome their diseased gum tissue and protect the health of their teeth and jawbone.
The lasers are much more effective at treating periodontal disease because they only attack the diseased tissue. Once the diseased tissue has been removed, this leaves the root exposed so the dentist can perform a deep scaling treatment to remove the calculus that has adhered to the roots. The dentist will also smooth the roots to help prevent any bacterial growth.
During the healing process, the gum tissue will begin to rejuvenate in this area. Because this procedure is minimally invasive, a person will not need any general anesthetic to prevent pain or discomfort. With laser treatment, bleeding and inflammation are kept a minimum and the healing process is greatly reduced.
Taking Care of the Smile Is Important
After the procedure has been carried out, it is imperative a patient properly cares for their teeth and gums so their oral health can be protected. With proper care from Angstadt Family Dental in Wyomissing PA, individuals can overcome their periodontal issues for a healthier smile.
To learn more about this procedure, Browse the Website. They offer a wide array of dental services to keep patients’ smiles healthy and beautiful. Call the office today so your appointment can be scheduled.