The homes of the 21st century are some of the safest ever built because they have the most reliable electrical systems and the best technology available. The materials in the wiring and connectors are top notch and provide a high-level of reliability. However, most homes were not built in the 21st century. Most homes at several decades old. That doesn’t mean they’re inherently dangerous; however, it does mean that you need to know the risk level. Electric contractors can better advise you on what sort of risk factors to consider and how to mitigate your risks.
Aluminum Wires
Most wiring and connectors are made of copper. Copper is a very reliable and ductile material that is easily drawn into wires. Because of its usefulness, though, it can become scarce at times. From the mid-1960s until the mid-1970s, copper wire was exceedingly expensive. To keep costs low, some contractors installed aluminum connectors. Electric contractors in Allentown, PA can check for aluminum connectors in your home. The problem with aluminum arises when the wires begin to heat up. Copper and aluminum react differently to high temperatures.
Cloth Connectors
Several decades ago, the cloth was used to cover wires and connectors. Now, synthetic rubber or plastics are the only materials used. The cloth isn’t necessarily a problem, but as it ages it tends to get dry and crack. That can be a serious fire hazard. Electric contractors in Allentown, PA can inspect your wires to determine if you need new coverings. Replacing the cloth with rubber or plastic isn’t necessarily very difficult; you just need to know to call them. If you house was built before the year 2000, you should call an electrician, even if your haven’t seen any signs of trouble. Staying safe is your highest priority.