Assessing Federal Regulations Associated With The Best Hard Drive Destruction Options

by | Dec 31, 2014 | Business

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Federal regulations identify the standards used to address the proper destruction of media storage associated with computers and other devices. These regulations apply to all confidential information stored, focusing primarily on health care data. However, all companies, which utilize restricted information associated with their customers should follow these requirements for disposal. If you wish to review your options for the Best Hard Drive Destruction today, you should consult your preferred provider.

Proper Methods for Disposal

The first option outlined by regulations such as HIPPA for disposal of storage media is to ensure that the device is unusable, and the data is inaccessible. A primary method for this task is to overwrite the hard drive or removable media in which the files are stored. The standard associated with this task is outlined by the Department of Defense standards, which require overwriting to be performed no less than four times to ensure inaccessibility of data.

The purpose of these safety standards is not only to protect the confidentiality of the information and privacy of the individual, but also to prevent an international incident. In recent years, computer owners have sold their equipment to outsiders before destroying the information. This has produced a detrimental security issue. For example, overseas buyers utilize the data to assume the identity of the U.S. citizen for financial gain and more.

Destruction Methods for Hard Drives

The second option for disposal is to destroy the hard drive. This is not a simplistic process, as devices with limited damage could maintain retrievable information. The process requires the device to be disassembled completely and destroyed piece by piece. In most cases, it is vital to use methods that will reduce the pieces to ash or liquefy them.

Business owners in all industries should review the standards applicable to destruction of storage media. This includes hard drives installed in computers in which the owners no longer wish to use. The exploitation of confidential information has become a significant problem for which strictly enforced regulations were devised. To become compliant with these federal requirements, you should acquire these services for the Best Hard Drive Destruction through an approved provider today. Fix your appointment here.

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