At-Home Versus In-Office Teeth Whitening In Allentown

by | Jun 3, 2014 | Dental Services

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Pennsylvania dental patients have two options, when choosing teeth whitening treatments. They could visit a dental professional or choose at-home options. Each of these selections offer their own advantages and disadvantages for dental patients hoping to receive the full benefit of these procedures.

In-office Teeth Whitening Treatments

The greatest advantage of in-office options are that stronger agents are utilized and can render the teeth up to ten shades brighter by the end of the procedure. The dental professional coats each tooth effectively. The gel within the solution protects the enamel and prevents damage. Dentists also evaluate teeth sensitivity as some patients may experience it during or after the procedure.

Another major benefit of Teeth Whitening service Allentown that is performed in an office setting is that the treatments, typically, last for up to one year. However, the duration of the benefits are based on how well the patient maintains their teeth and gums following their treatment.

At-home Treatments

At-home whitening treatments can improve the overall coloration of the patient’s teeth. Although it may take further applications to achieve the same level of whiteness, the at-home treatments are effective and long lasting. These Teeth Whitening in Allentown treatments further extend the benefits of in-office applications.

It is possible for patients to receive at-home treatments through their preferred dental professional. The major advantage of these options over the store-bought products is that the dentist can mold the trays to fit the patient’s mouth. The over-the-counter products do not offer trays that fit properly for every buyer. This could present a significant problem if the patient’s teeth are not perfectly aligned.

The solution used for in-home Teeth Whitening in Allentown is not professional grade and does not heighten sensitivity. Patients who have experienced sensitivity to peroxide-based products can receive a whiter smile without a potential adverse reaction. A common side effect of the in-office procedure is gum irritation due to the high level of peroxide, which is the active ingredient in the solution.

Patients who receive cosmetic treatments such as whitening treatments may also acquire services such as Dental Implants. These procedures also improve the aesthetic appeal of the smile. They are most beneficial for patients with severely damaged teeth.

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