Most people believe that they are relatively knowledgeable about what to do following an automobile accident. Usually the car has to go into the auto shop, the insurance company must be called, and if any injuries were incurred, there are doctor’s visits and medical treatments to schedule. It can seem very cut and tried and there may not appear to be a reason to contact an attorney because of the accident at all. However, it is often the case that a wreck is not as simple as it first appears and a Tacoma area attorney can prove to be a valuable investigative resource when it comes to determining multiple responsible parties.
When injuries result from an accident, the victim is, understandably, entitled by law to
reasonable compensation from the responsible party. However, responsibility can be difficult to determine in some cases. In other cases, it can happen that more than one party is responsible to one degree or another. This is why an accident attorney in Tacoma should be contacted following any accident in which you sustain an injury. Your accident attorney can investigate the scene of the accident, the vehicles involved, and the reports of any witnesses to ascertain whether the results of the investigation correspond with the police report of the accident, your account of what occurred, and/or the assessment of the insurance company regarding the events of the accident.
Despite the fact that we would like to think that if we’ve been injured in an accident all of the players involved will have our best interest at heart, that is not always the case. The fact is, that the insurance company exists not to keep our best interests in mind, but to make money. The less that must be paid out on an accident claim, the better as far as that goal is concerned. Consequently, it can often take the efforts of an aggressive attorney who will advocate on your behalf to get you the remuneration that you deserve following your Tacoma accident. Often this can be accomplished without going to court because your accident attorney in Tacoma can negotiate with the insurance company and convince them of the necessity that they compensate you for your injuries prior to entering a courtroom.
Whatever the circumstances of your accident, do not assume that the insurance adjustor, the other driver, or even you auto body shop has the whole story until your attorney in Tacoma has been able to adequately investigate the accident and all of the details. Once totally responsibility for the accident has been determined, your attorney will help you to get the justice and the remuneration that you deserve.
Accident Attorney Tacoma – No one should be faced with financial ruin because of a car wreck they did not cause. If you suffered an injury in a wreck, an accident attorney with Sadler Law Firm in Tacoma can assist you in obtaining the monetary damages to which you are entitled.