Avoiding a Relapse in Your Addiction With Educational Therapy in Minneapolis

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Mental Health

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The adage of knowledge being power certainly rings true for people who want to overcome their substance abuse addictions successfully. In essence, the more that you know about your own addiction, the less likely that you are going to fall back into using again after getting clean.

However, you cannot expect to learn everything that there is to know about your substance abuse problem entirely on your own. By getting services from a treatment facility that offers drug and alcohol educational programming in Minneapolis, you can gain the knowledge that you need to be your own best sobriety ally and advocate.

Learning About Your Triggers

The educational programming in Minneapolis that you receive will teach you how to recognize and overcome your own triggers to use drugs or alcohol. Everyone’s triggers are different. Some people are tempted to use because of peer pressure or family exposure. Others use because of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

Regardless of what your triggers are, you will learn coping mechanisms to help you overcome them progressively. These skills can involve distracting yourself with another activity or reaching out to a sober friend or family member. You also can use meditation and prayer to help you avoid using drugs or alcohol.

Understanding Substance Abuse on the Body

Your programming will also teach you about the effects of using drugs and alcohol on the body. When you use these substances, you harm your body little by little until, eventually, you develop serious illnesses like cirrhosis or hepatitis.

These consequential illnesses can shorten your life span. By getting sober, you heal your body and minimize your likelihood of early death.

You can learn more about this educational programming in Minneapolis online. Call River Ridge Treatment Center or go to the website to get more information today.

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