Avoiding The Need For 24 Hour Roadside Tire Service

by | Sep 23, 2016 | Articles

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While having access to a 24 hour roadside tire service is handy, you need to know how best to avoid it. In Tulsa, experts know you can escape many of those frustrating delays caused by a tire problem. All it requires is for you to know more about tire care and the basic warning signs that indicate potential problems.

Identifying Tire Problems

The most common issue with tires concerns the inflation levels. People tend to either underinflate or overinflate the tires. They also drive on tires that are verging on flat or have poor treads. To avoid this, drivers should use a tire gauge. However, you can also look for certain signs to indicate tire problems. These include:

 * Pulls to one side: If you have had an alignment done and your car still pulls to one side when driving on a level, straight road, it may be a tire issue.

 * Treads: Examine your treads for thickness and smoothness. If the center section is smooth, you may have overinflated tires. If the edges and/or outer sections are rounded or worn, the tires may be underinflated

 * Squeals: Do your tires squeal as they round a corner when traveling at normal speeds? Check your tires.

If your vehicle exhibits any such signs, take care of the problem immediately or you may find yourself at the side of the road in Tulsa waiting for help from a 24 hour tire service.

Why Take Care of Tires?

Poor maintenance of your tires can produce more than a “flat tire.” It can result in serious consequences. In fact, a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that many highway crashes are avoidable by ensuring the tires are not underinflated. In addition, underinflated tires increase the potential risk of a variety issues including overheating of the engine.

Any improper inflation of the tires can reduce the ability of the tires to perform their designated and essential function. Your inability to maintain them at the proper levels of pressure places stress on the tires. This can result in uneven or unwarranted wear. In the least, you will need to purchase new tires sooner than you would if you had taken care of them properly; at the most, you can become a statistic in an accident, causing injury or fatality. Most certainly, your insurance rates will increase.

Avoiding 24 Hour Roadside Tire Service

If you want to circumvent unnecessary tire problems, make sure you take care of them. Consider tire pressure monitors and visual inspection. If you want to increase your gas mileage and avoid 24 hour roadside tire service in Tulsa, keep your tires in the best shape possible.

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