Over the centuries, the mining industry has evolved into a more regulated and technologically advanced sector. Improvements are evident in all segments, including those revolving around drilling. Besides blasting, drilling comprises one of the very basic characteristics of any mining operation. To drill through the diverse types and layers of rock requires often very specializes types of rock drilling equipment.
Rock Drilling Equipment
Rock drilling falls into two basic categories: shallow and deep. To ensure the success in drilling requires a specific type of rock drilling equipment. This is true when it comes to forcing your way through various layers of rock. Special tools address the issues of each type and potential type of conditions characterized by the different types of rock drilling.
As a result, you can now turn to technology for the specific tools you require to break on through. Essentially, you can divide rock drilling equipment into three basic types. These are:
* Percussion Drilling: This was once the most common type of drilling for oil as well as geothermal wells. This type of drilling utilizes uses steel rock bits. Constructed in various designs they actually break up the rock during the actual drilling process. This is accomplished through a rotating drill. Its hammer-like action is sent through the drill rods. In the drill rods, a central hole allows the passage of either compressed air or water to blow up and out the cuttings. The choice of media depends upon whether the conditions of the land are dry.
The common size of a drill hole in percussion drilling is 7 centimeters, although, depending upon the manufacturer of the equipment, the hole may actually be larger or smaller. The protruding “buttons” are tungsten rods that are 20 mm thick.
* Reverse Circulation: This type of rock drilling equipment is accomplished using a pneumatic reciprocating piston. The name given to this is a “hammer.” It drives a tungsten-steel drill bit. This type of equipment is generally found on big rigs and machinery. The results are rock cuttings or chips. They move from the bit up the hole aided by large air compressors. The compressors also dry out the rock chips.
This method is much slower than percussion drilling. It is also more expensive. However, this rock drilling equipment penetrates deeper making it an excellent choice for mineral exploration work.
* Diamond Drilling: This is the most expensive type of rock drilling. It relies on an annular diamond-impregnated drill bit to slice through the rock. The specialized drill is attached at the end of various types of hollow drill rods. Using this piece of equipment, operators do not derive cuttings. They remove a cylindrical core that ranges in size from 1 to 2 inches dia. A core splitter may slice the core in half
Rock Drilling Equipment
The ability to cut through rocks has developed from a labor-intensive task to one that has become more mechanized. Technology has altered the way mining and other similar industries go about its digging ways. Today, mining companies and excavators of all types have a wider range from which to select the right rock drilling equipment for the task.
As a family owned and operated business, WORD Rock Drills knows what it takes to succeed. Since 2006, the company has specialized in providing their clients with high quality, effective and affordable Rock Drilling Equipment and systems. If you want to work with a company whose goal is your success, contact them online .