The best thing an addict can do is to enter a treatment program. The amount of time spent in treatment would depend on the individual. After completing treatment, the individual should not go home and return to their life. It is best that the individual goes to Sober Living in Palm Beach FL right after leaving treatment. There are plenty of ways that sober living can keep the individual from relapsing.
Eliminating Risks
When a person leaves an inpatient treatment program, they are at great risk of relapse. When back home, they will have easy access to drugs and alcohol. In a sober living house, drugs and alcohol are not permitted. When there is no temptation, there is less of a chance for relapse.
Avoid Negative Influences
If a person goes home right after leaving treatment, there is a very good chance they will run into the people they used drugs and alcohol with. As soon as this happens, the chance of relapse greatly increases. The only people allowed in a sober living house are the residents and the staff. This will lessen the person’s chances of being around the people who are negative influences.
Reduce Loneliness
If a person goes home after leaving treatment, there is a good chance they will get bored and lonely. Even if they have the support of friends and family members, those people have their own lives and will not be around constantly. It is this boredom and loneliness that can result in a relapse. When the individual enters a sober living house, they won’t have time to get bored. They will be too busy with group counseling, individual counseling, house meetings, and housework. Also, in sober living, the individual would be surrounded by the other residents in the home. These are people who understand what the individual is going through.
When a person leaves treatment, they are not ready to go back to their lives. There are plenty of relapse triggers in a person’s real life that can set them on the wrong path after leaving treatment. The best way to avoid a relapse is to enter the real world slowly through Sober Living in Palm Beach FL. For more information, contact Nextep or visit website.