CZ started in 1918 as a Czechoslovakian company that repairs railway cars. By 1925 the company was producing handguns, machine guns, and cars. The company officially became CZUB in 1936. Since then, CZUB has been producing weapons all over the world for the average consumer, militaries, and police. The most popular weapons CZ Shadow 2, CZ 75 and the CZ P-10C can be found for sale all over the internet.
CZ P-10C
The shooting world seems to be dominated by 9mm, polymer based, handguns. Glock has been the favorite on the market since the invention of the Glock 17. Despite there being so many fans of Glocks, there are as many people who dislike the weapons. You can always rely on a Glock to perform when needed, but it is not always a comfortable weapon to hold or shoot, so brands like CZ gain exposure.
They designed a handgun that has the same great performance, but it is more comfortable. The main difference between this handgun and the Glock 19 is that the P-10C has more backstraps and a deeper beaver tail. It has the same polymer base, striker fire, and they chamber the 9mm.
CZ 75
The CZ-75 is one of the most popular pistols in the world. It was invented in 1975 by Koucky brothers. The brothers were unable to patent the design of the pistol because of laws in the Soviet Union. This led to many other manufacturers copying the design and selling it themselves. One of the most popular manufacturers of the CZ-75 is a company in Italy who still makes this weapon to this day.
Consumers love this 9mm handgun because of its comfort. Comfort is arguably the most important aspect in a pistol. Many handguns are considered efficient in performance but may not be a good fit for every user. The CZ-75 is a rare handgun that has a grip that sits into the hand perfectly for almost every shooter.
The only problem users have reported with this handgun is the coat finishing. The handgun gets worn down pretty easily, but the weapon has many more positives that outweigh this one negative.
The handgun can be easily upgraded with red dot sights and lasers. It can also be upgraded with different magazine sizes. Make sure the magazine you purchase is within the laws of the state you are located in.
CZ Shadow 2
The CZ Shadow 2 is a competition pistol. This handgun has everything someone wants in a competition pistol. It is customizable, has a low recoil, and is comfortable to hold. It is a large weapon that has two safety features as well as a reversable magazine release. This allows left or right-handed shooters to eject the magazine.
Although the aesthetics of the weapon are not the top priority for a competition handgun, this gun looks amazing. The aluminum material makes the gun glisten in the sunlight. It chambers a 9mm which reduces the recoil because almost all other types of ammunition are heavier.
This handgun also has extra weight added to the back of the weapon to absorb even more recoil. This allows the shooter to get off rounds more effectively and accurately.
Concluding Thoughts
CZ has remained a popular weapons manufacturer for many years. They will continue to do so if they put out handguns as good as the CZ Shadow 2, the CZ-75, and the CZ P-10C. If you are looking for a home defense handgun, then any of these three pistols are great options.
The Shadow will give more power because of its size, the CZ-75 has unquestionable performance, and the P-10C is generally most comfortable to shoot.
If you need a handgun for concealed carry, then look at the two smaller, lightweight handguns. If you need a competition handgun, then the Shadow is perfect.
CZ has stepped up and shown that they produce the highest quality handguns and no matter which one you purchase; you will get your money’s worth.