Best Ways to Invest in Oil

by | Dec 27, 2016 | Oil and Gas

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For investors looking to break into the oil market, there are several different ways to start out. It’s helpful to have just a few of your investment opportunities laid out for you in advance, though, so here are three different options. Investors can decide for themselves which among them is the best way to invest in oil.

Stocks in Oil

Investors can buy into stocks in the oil industry. These are great for individuals who want dividends on their investments, regardless of how the actual commodity is faring in the market. The stocks may not be dependent on how oil itself is doing, because the stocks may be invested in other aspects of the process, like refining and operations. Dividends of the profit aren’t a guarantee, but you can find out ahead of time what the rates are and choose accordingly, making this option a popular choice for investors.

Exchange Traded Funds

Also known as ETF’s, these convenient investment options can be purchased quickly, from the comfort of one’s home computer, or through a broker. For investors comfortable with mutual funds, this may be the best way to invest in oil. ETF’s work very much like mutual funds in that several different parties buy into them. There’s a chance you may not get all your investment back, but due to the number of investors involved, there’s a good chance that you will make a profit.

Oil Futures

Futures are another way to buy into the crude oil market, though it’s primarily recommended for investors that don’t mind a good deal of risk involved with their investments. Futures are a purchased contract, confirming that you will buy oil at a later date. But in order to be successful, you have to have very precise and accurate predicting ability. For experienced investors, this direct way to invest could be the best way to invest in oil. Learn more about how you can invest in the oil commodity today.

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