Broken Pipe Repair Services in Alpharetta GA – What May Lead to the Need for Pipe Repair

by | Aug 23, 2018 | Plumbing

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The pipes burst in your home, you may be shocked, but you also have a very serious and urgent problem on your hand. Leaking water can damage your home very quickly, and if not addressed soon enough, can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. There are a number of reasons why you may have broken pipes in your home as described below. However, regardless of the reason involved, and experienced company that provides broken pipe repair services in Alpharetta GA can help.

Excessive Water Pressure
When the water pressure is excessively high, it can potentially lead to a broken pipe. A water pump that is defective or the toilet backed up can potentially lead to water pressure in your pipes that are higher than normal. Under these conditions, your pipes could expand in crack under the pressure without warning. Addressing any type of plumbing issue promptly as well as checking the operation of your water pump can help avoid this problem from occurring.

If your pipes do burst, you will need broken pipe repair services in Alpharetta GA as soon as possible. While you wait for the professionals to arrive, shut off the water to the affected area and use buckets and old towels to collect as much of the water as you can to prevent further damage to your home.

Freezing Weather Conditions
If you live in any area of the country that experiences cold winters, you may be aware of the potential risks to your homes piping when the temperatures fall below freezing. In these conditions, pipes may expand when the water they contain is subjected to freezing temperatures. This can cause pressure build up and cracking of the pipe.

Tree Roots Cracking Pipes
Another hidden danger to your pipes are tree roots that have the potential to wrap around your pipes underground and cause them to eventually crack. This can occur when a tree is planted too close to the home. These roots will be drawn toward water that exists around any area of any portion of pipe that has a loose connection point. As a result, you may have to contact broken pipe repair services in Alpharetta GA to fix the problem.

When homeowners and their families leave their homes in the wintertime to visit family and friends over the Christmas holiday, they sometimes forget to take precautions to winterize their pipes. As a result, an emergency situation may be present for the homeowners when they return necessitating the need to contact an plumbing professional.

If you need services to repair broken piping in your home, contact an experienced and reliable plumber serving the Alpharetta GA area today.

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