Very few people have the time to watch their investment portfolio every minute of the day. After all, the whole idea of passive investing is to let your money do the work for you while you attend to other things. That doesn’t mean you throw your paperwork in the drawer and forget about it until tax season. There is a level of watchfulness required of any investment, no matter how passive it might be.
Mutual funds offer one option but they only provide a relatively-limited average yield in comparison to the overall possibilities available in a roaring market. In order to get ahead of the mutual fund crowd, you need to be a bit more active. This doesn’t mean day trading. You don’t have the time to do that. Swing trading, however, is a distinct possibility.
The beauty of these investment vehicles is that they can be tracked and set up for automatic execution when the chosen parameters are met. The difficulty lies in knowing what those are. Here is where an association with one of the best trading advisory services comes into play.
Let these people spot the trend and track the movement, then you decide when to enter and exit the position yourself. You retain control but do not need to stay glued to your monitor all day long. Once you receive a notification, it is up to you to decide how far to ride the trend.
To learn more about this unique opportunity, contact Trade Genie at