Buying Used Auto Engines in Oklahoma City

by | Apr 4, 2014 | Automotive

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Because car parts can be so expensive, a lot of people opt to buy used car parts. These are usually just as good as new parts, and they cost a lot less. People can go to a junkyard and pick out their own parts, eliminating the middle man, which helps them to save money. Some auto parts are particularly expensive, such as engines, and this is often the only way many people can afford to keep their vehicles on the roads. When it comes to buying any used parts, including engines, one needs to know exactly what they are doing, so they don’t end up going home with the wrong parts.

The first thing to do when buying used auto engines in Oklahoma City, OK is to learn which engine is made for the vehicle. It is not always necessary to use the exact same engine, but it does have to be one of the same size. Anyone who is unsure about which engine to get for their vehicle can check their repair guide to see what size is required. Once the customer knows what they need, they can head to Al’s Auto Salvage to get the right engine.

Whenever possible, try to test any used auto engines in Oklahoma City. If the engine is already in running condition, check the oil. The oil on the dipstick should be clean and brown. Also, check the engine for any leaks. It is also a good idea to check to see if there has been any previous repair work done. Some of the things to check for include stripped threads, broken fastenings, and missing bolts. If there are any of these problems, look at other engines.

Another thing to check is the timing belt, as this is something that requires regular replacement. If it looks old or frayed, it will need to be replaced. Don’t forget to listen to the engine. If it makes any rattling or knocking sounds, it isn’t going to be a great buy. Engines and other parts are always available, and customers can go online to see what is currently in stock. Visit for more details.

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