Caring For Your Companion with Pet Vaccination in Olathe, KS

by | Jun 29, 2017 | Veterinarians

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Vaccinations for the family dog or cat are among the best means to guarantee the long-term health of a beloved pet as well as to safeguard the family from disease. Everyone is well aware of the necessity of rabies shots. An animal suffering from this particularly nasty disease is not only going to suffer a painful death but can also infect one or more family members with rabies. This has been long understood by pet owners and the public. However, there are other diseases that can affect a pet’s health in very adverse ways. Watching a family dog sink under distemper, or any of a number of fast-acting neural degenerative disorders, is a tragic experience that is easily avoidable with prevention.

Pet Vaccination in Olathe KS is carried out at any veterinarian’s office, animal hospital, or ASPCA center. Dogs need protection against rabies, canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgdorfera, and Leptospiria bacteria. Cats have to be protected from rabies, panleokopenia (or feline distemper), feline rhinotracheitis, feline leukemia, bordetella, Chlamydophila felis, and feline immunodeficiency virus.

Scheduling these vaccines through a pet’s life depends on factors that include age, medical history, living environment, and lifestyle. Now puppies and kittens receive antibodies for many of these conditions through suckling milk from their mothers but, after a few weeks, the initial vaccinations must begin to fully build up the immune system. Once adulthood is attained, regular scheduling on an annual or thrice-yearly basis is carried out. Of all vaccinations, rabies is the most important one to keep up on schedule, not only for the pet’s life but also for personal and public health safety.

Each locality has its own laws regarding necessary and optional vaccinations, but all have mandatory rabies boosters on the books. Proof of vaccination must always be displayed on the pet’s tags regardless of the actual schedule. It is up to the pet owner to decide the other necessary vaccinations, but anyone who would guarantee a quality life for their pets will carry through the entire regime at the schedules times.

Falcon Valley Animal Hospital performs Pet Vaccination in Olathe KS in safe and antiseptic conditions. Their veterinarians and medical assistants are able to handle any pet under all conditions to ensure they receive their full regimen. Bring the family dog or cat down for its shots at any time during office hours. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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