Carpet and Tile- Which Is The Better Choice?

by | Jul 11, 2017 | Flooring Contractor

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Making a decision between carpet and tile can be quite difficult. If you are thinking about renovating your place and are wondering about the kind of floors you want in the rooms, carpeted or tiled flooring are two of the most popular options available to you. Both have their own distinct benefits and drawbacks, and both retail at different prices. You have to be very careful when making a decision since you are going to have to stick with your purchase for the next five to six years at the very least. So to give you a better idea, here’s a brief comparison that will help you make an informed decision.


Carpeted floors look extremely elegant and stylish, and have been used for hundreds of years. In the beginning, carpeted floors were regarded as a sign of extravagance and were only seen in the houses of nobles. If you are comparing carpet and tile based on looks, carpeted floors obviously take the cake. The handmade carpets look absolutely gorgeous, and are designed to last for hundreds of years without getting damaged. If you maintain the carpeted flooring properly, you don’t have to worry about replacing them at all.


On the other hand, tiled flooring is a more practical option compared to carpets. Maintenance is a huge problem if you have carpeted flooring. They will need to be washed regularly and also get stained quite easily, while tiled flooring is very easy to maintain. In case it gets stained, all you have to do is to wipe the floor clean with a mop or use a simple cleaning solution to remove the stain. You can visit Carpet Clearance Warehouse to buy your next choice of floors at the lowest prices in the city. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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