CD Replication: How Does It Work?

by | Sep 25, 2015 | Printing

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CD replication is an invaluable service when you have a large number of CDs to copy. This process is much more complex than CD duplication is. The process involves multiple stages and offers several benefits.

What is CD Replication?
A CD replicate is developed during the manufacturing process, so a medium such as a CD-R doesn’t exist prior to the start of the process. Before replication occurs, the client’s master is closely evaluated by experts in CD replication. Chicago experts look to see if there is any data corruption before creating what’s called a glass master that contains relevant data from the master supplied by the client. Then, replication starts when a perfect glass master is developed.

The glass master is utilized to create an object called a stamper, which is placed in an injection molding machine designed to create a CD replicate. The replication quality is dependent on the quality of the data on the glass master. During each step, accuracy and quality are constantly monitored to make sure each disc is a replica of the client’s original. An extremely thin aluminum layer is placed on the disc, and is then lacquered for extra protection. Finally, the disk is printed to be packaged.

Benefits of CD Replication
One of the main benefits of replication is that the unit cost is generally lower than that of duplication. In addition, both screen printing and offset printing are available for discs that are replicated. Replication facilities, which are used to accommodate a high volume of orders, can also quickly assemble your discs into the packaging of your choice.

Other CD Replication Considerations
It is worth noting that the turnaround time for CD replication is usually between 7 to 10 days, so be sure to reserve enough time to get the project done before your deadline. Also, ask the company you plan to hire for replication services about the minimum order requirement. With the right company’s help, you can easily get hundreds to thousands of high-quality CDs you need in a relatively short period of time, in Chicago.

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