CDL T Jobs In Wisconsin: Basic Statistics About The Industry

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Transportation

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If you live in North America, chances are most the items in your home or business arrived by truck. In the United States, this is valid for both raw materials and completed products. In such states as Wisconsin, trucking is a major sector, performing at high levels of employment consistently. In fact, some experts say a high level of job security lies with those who have CDL jobs in Wisconsin.

Basic Statistics

Little doubt remains among government officials that employment in this sector will continue to grow. Projections for the 2018 to 2026 period find growth find the figure to be a steady 6 percent. With the economy continuing to require freight transportation and the necessity of keeping supply chains in optimal operation, employment will remain constant in this Wisconsin industry.

In 2015, the Wisconsin trucking industry numbered some 15,820 companies. Many of these were local businesses, small but highly functional. Together, small and large trucking firms supported 157,150 jobs. In 2016, the figure had increased with valid CDL licenses totaling 204,226. The average annual salary paid to those with CDL jobs in Wisconsin was $41,690. This applies to those license holders who drove heavy trucks and tractor trailers. This places their hourly wage at around the $20 mark.

Overall, the greatest percentage of drivers involved in operating heavy trucks and tractor trailers are there for the long haul. In other words, most of them drive trucks with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) capacity of over 26,000 pounds. Long haul jobs are generally the first job rookie truck drivers get. Unfortunately, it also ranks high among the most demanding, resulting in a high turnover rate.

CDL Jobs in Wisconsin

Transportation is a major employer in the state of Wisconsin. As long as the state and its environs require the movement of freight, experts and statisticians foresee no immediate slowdown in the high percentage of companies offering CDL jobs in Wisconsin.

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