Have you been putting off establishing an estate plan for when you pass away? It is a good idea to start thinking about what might happen before you pass away. As you get older or sicker, it could become harder for you to make your own decisions when it comes to what happens with your estate. If that happens you would need a trusted friend or family member to do it for you.
Making Your Will
If you do not have a will it is time for you to sit down and make one. They are very easy to make and a lot of people are even comfortable enough to make them on their own. In fact, there are lots of free online software programs you can use that will walk you through making your will. If you are not good with software or you are concerned about making mistakes a lawyer that focuses on Chicago IL Elder Law would be able to help you with writing your will.
Your Children
If you have children that are under the age of 18 you need to name a personal guardian to take over caring for them in your will. If you and the other parent are no longer able to care for your child this is the person who would be appointed guardian to raise your child. Most people consider it very difficult to decide who should raise their child. However, it is something you are going to want to consider.
Your Assets
Your assets are just everything that you own. Your will needs to state what is going to who. You could do it the easy way and say you want everything to be split evenly among your children. However, you could also do it a more specific way and name specific beneficiaries for specific items.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to have a lawyer who handles Chicago IL Elder Law help you write your entire will. You can just reach out to a law firm such as Law Offices of David Blocher Elder Law and state that you want help with the will, but you want to be the one writing it.