Choosing In-Office Or At-Home Teeth Whitening In Chaska

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Dentistry

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Minnesota dental patients can acquire whitening treatments in two different ways. Their preferred dentist can provide them with in-office treatments or allow them to take home trays loaded with the solution. If you wish to discover which option for Teeth Whitening Chaska is right for you, contact your preferred dentist today.

In-Office Whitening Treatments

With an in-office whitening treatment, you can receive the full benefit of professional-grade products. This option allows your dentist to apply a protective barrier over your gums to prevent irritation. Next, he or she will apply the peroxide solution to each tooth individually. An ultra-violet light is applied to maximize whiteness.

In-office treatments are most appropriate for patients who have severe staining of tooth enamel. This form of Teeth Whitening Chaska allows the dentist to address any problem areas directly. At any time that he or she discovers potential problems that will cause the patient pain if they acquire the treatments, the dentist can provide them with an alternative treatment. This form of the treatments are most appropriate for patients who have teeth that are not perfectly aligned in which the trays may not fit correctly.

At-Home Treatments

The dentist will fit the patients with a tray for their whitening treatments by acquiring a mold of their teeth. This mold is used to form the plastic trays. Each tray is loaded with the appropriate amount of the peroxide solution needed for Teeth Whitening Chaska based on the condition of the patient’s teeth. The dentist will provide instructions for at-home use and allow the patient to report any problems that may arise.

Common side effects are redness and tenderness of the gums. Any patients who may have a sensitivity to peroxide-based solutions should consult their dentist before using any Teeth Whitening Chaska treatments. Patients who have damaged teeth and possible cavities should not use these products as they may lead to damage to exposed nerves and cause significant pain. If they have gingivitis or other gum diseases, they may also not be ideal candidates for these services. If you are unsure about whitening treatments, you should consult the dentist of your choice today.

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