Classical Lighting Periods to Consider for your Bradenton, FL, Home

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Electrician

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If you are remodeling your home to showcase furniture from a particular period in America’s history, then lighting fixtures in Bradenton, FL, your home needs. While you will probably want to stick with electrical lighting fixtures, choosing the right style can help create the perfect look for your home.

The Rococo period lasted from 1860 to 1865, and light fixtures during this period were made from brass with cut-glass shades. Many were operated with chains containing leaf designs and had decorative arms.

The Renaissance Revival lasted from 1865 to 1870, and light fixtures during this period were very ornate. They were often made from a combination of zinc, bronze, and brass with figural motifs.

New poly-chromatic colors were introduced in the mid-1870s. Many of the lighting fixtures in Bradenton, FL, homes from this period have very clean lines with minimal ornamentation.

Red brass and bronze became the elements of choice during the early 1800s with many light features being very symmetrical with Longwy or Satsuma porcelain inserts appearing on either side of a hammered center piece.

Light fixtures during the last decade of the 19th century were usually made of finished brass or black hand-wrought iron. Elegant bent brass was often used to create design features.

As Americans welcomed in the 20th century, almost all light fixtures were made of brass and had a very simple design. Soon, however, designs by Elbert Hubbard, Gustav Stickley, and Frank Lloyd Wright would be used to light homes.

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