Collaborative Divorce Is One of the Most Innovative Legal Services in Family Law

by | Aug 7, 2015 | Family Law

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Getting divorced is not going to be the highlight of anyone’s life. After all, it represents the end of a very significant relationship. However, a divorce does not have to be a poisonous power struggle that will taint the future.

Collaborative divorce offers a better alternative for families. In most cases, divorces concern more than just the separating spouses. Children, in particular, suffer profoundly in many instances. It is said that they will get over it and that’s usually true, more or less, but that does not mean that they are left unharmed. In the aftermath of a bitter adversarial divorce, the custody, visitation and support issues carry into the future and are not settled solely for the benefit of the child.

What Is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative divorce is a better option for couples who wish to dissolve the marriage, but believe that they can resolve their disagreements without turning to a judge. When children are involved, this is a far better option. The children still need both parents. When the divorce is arranged in a respectful, professional atmosphere, co-parenting becomes easier for everyone in the future.

Each spouse has an attorney to help them work through and understand the legal issues. The couple and the attorneys sign an agreement that they will be respectful, transparent and honest as they work to resolve the issues. In the event that the process breaks down and the couple decides to go to court, the attorneys are not allowed to represent them. New attorneys must be retained.

The Advantages of Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative divorce is:
      *     Better for the couple, especially if they are parents.
      *     Better for the children as issues involving the children are decided by the parents instead of an overworked judge. Most important, the children are not used as pawns or forced to side with one parent over the other.
      *     Quicker because solving problems with a rational discussion is much faster than filing legal papers and waiting for responses.
      *     Cheaper since thousands can be saved compared to the costs of an adversarial divorce.

Rohe Twyman offers legal services in family law for those seeking a collaborative divorce in central Florida. These experienced attorneys also offer legal services in family law for prenuptial agreements, paternity cases, agreement modifications and other family Law issues.

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