Commercial property owners invest a lot of money installing paved parking lots. In order to protect their investment, they should hire one of the Columbus paving contractors to regularly inspect their parking lot. Contractors look for any sign of gray or white powder on the asphalt. This is a signal that the pavement is oxidizing or drying out. They also look for small cracks or pot holes. Fixing these types of problems when they are still small can double the life of a parking lot.
If oxidation is caught early, seal coating can reverse the process. This water-based sealant can provide needed moisture. It also establishes a barrier that protects the pavement from heat and chemicals. When a property owner ignores the signs of oxidation, it will progress. As the pavement dries, cracks will start to form. Water can seep through these cracks into the layers of asphalt. When the cold Ohio weather arrives, the water freezes and expands. In the spring, it contracts as it turns liquid. This will cause the pavement to weaken. Eventually a pot hole will form.
Cracks can be repaired with the proper crack filler. Sometimes a property owner will attempt to fill pavement cracks themselves. They go to the local hardware store and purchase a pavement crack filler. While it works fine during the summer, it will fail if the weather falls below freezing. It isn’t sufficiently flexible to expand and contract as the pavement heats up and freezes. This allows water to continue to seep below the pavement. Columbus Paving Contractors use a hot and flexible rubberized crack filler. This will be able to stand up to large temperature swings.
Despite the best care, asphalt parking lots do eventually wear out. Contractors will be able to install a new parking lot very quickly. They will have to tear out the old asphalt and make sure that the excavated area is the proper depth. They will then put in a layer of coarse gravel to ensure that there is proper drainage underneath the asphalt. They will then put down a layer of coarse asphalt. Lastly, the fine asphalt is poured and spread. After it has dried, it should be protected with a sealant.