Over time, the enamel on your teeth will weaken, allowing the natural yellow color of your teeth to shine through. In addition, dark liquids such as coffee and black tea, as well as smoke from cigarettes, can stain and yellow teeth even further. It is a common misconception that teeth whitening is bad for your teeth or difficult to afford. Fortunately, this is never the case.
Teeth Whitening in DC is cost-effective and can be done in just one short session at the clinic. If you wish to spread your whitening process over a few days to a week, you can also have your dentist map your teeth and create a plastic mold of your teeth. Along with this mold, he or she will send the whitening solution home with you to use. For those not in a particular hurry to obtain whiter teeth, this is a great solution.
In-House Treatment is Fast and Effective
Unlike treatments you take home, in-house treatments are finished in just one visit. This teeth whitening visit might take as long as an hour and will whiten your teeth by as many as eight shades. Imagine for a moment the amazing difference eight shades can make in the whiteness of your smile. If you have a job interview on the horizon or made plans to walk down the aisle this month, it is essential that you have your teeth whitened as soon as possible.
Create Confidence
Teeth whitening procedures were found to increase the confidence of nearly everyone they were performed on. Studies found that confident open-lipped smiles made a person appear happier, more successful, and more attractive. If you have a wide, bright smile, you give the impression that you care about your appearance and want to move forward in life. This can often mean the difference between getting the job and another month of job hunting. No matter the reason, whitening was proven to make you feel better and be perceived more positively.