For businesses, maintaining a clean and functioning restroom is the key for keeping customers happy. A faulty toilet can especially reflect badly on your store or shop. If one or more of the toilets are not flushing properly, then you should contact a RooterPLUS in Atlanta Georgia. There are also a few DIY repairs you may try to implement on your own.
First, check the toilet water valve to ensure it is turned on all the way. Rotate the valve counterclockwise until it stops turning. A partially closed valve could affect the water that flows into the tank, thereby causing a weak flush.
If the valve appears to be turned on all the way, then you may need to adjust the water level inside the tank. Remove the lid sitting on top of the tank and examine the water level. It should sit about one inch below the overflow tube. If it’s below the level, raise the water by adjusting the float inside the tank. Some newer toilet models have a ball float that can be raised by turning the fill valve clockwise. For toilets with a cylinder float valve, squeeze the clip located on the side of the float and give it a pull to raise the water level.
When a toilet is flushed, water comes out from holes located on the underside of the bowl’s rim. These holes can become clogged with lime scale and other debris that impedes the flow of the water. Clean the holes by rigorously brushing it with a thick thistle brush. If you are unable to clear the holes or lack the right tools for reaching the area, contact a commercial plumbing service in Atlanta Georgia.
Some toilets are also worn due to old age and should be replaced. There are newer models out there that deliver a more powerful flush while using less water. A vacuum assist toilet is one such model that is known for powerful flushes by using advanced suction technology. In any case, bring in a commercial plumbing service in Atlanta Georgia to take a look at your toilet. A handyman can correct the problem causing the weak flush or recommend that the entire unit be replaced if need be.
Fixing a weak flushing toilet is especially important when it comes to public restrooms. A toilet not operating as it should be could lead to customer complaints and create negative public perception.
A commercial plumbing service in Atlanta Georgia can fix a public toilet not flushing properly. Call a commercial plumbing service in Atlanta Georgia if a toilet in your place of business is acting up. Visit website to learn more.