Common Misunderstandings About Los Angeles Rehab Treatments

by | Jun 18, 2015 | Drug Addiction Treatment Center

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There are many misunderstandings in the general public about Los Angeles rehab facilities and their ability to treat alcoholism and drug addiction. Unfortunately, these misunderstandings can lead to those who would benefit from participating in the programs from trying.

Basic education on the success and the methods used by the top Los Angeles rehab facilities can help to provide the necessary information for those seeking help in recovery. Of course, it is important to choose an accredited and established drug rehab program and to carefully review the methods used and the experience of the staff.

Treatment Works only if the Addict Hits Bottom

Hitting bottom is a common misunderstanding heard at every Los Angeles rehab. Many people believe that the addict has to see there is no other option than to get treatment in order to actually change.

This is simply not true. People may choose to come into a Los Angeles rehab before there is a significant addiction problem or perhaps even after a very short addiction without any current significant issues. Often people recognize the need for help and, if it is available, they will take it voluntarily to prevent hitting bottom.

Anyone Can Stop Drinking or Using

Addiction is not a behavior of choice. The reasons why some people become addicted and others don’t are a complicated combination of mental health issues, genetics, environment and even issues within the family of origin.

Once the addiction has progressed to the point of changing the brain chemistry, it is not a behavior of choice. The issue is how fast that will be and how much of the alcohol or drug will be needed to reach the tipping point. Drug and alcohol addiction is not a result of a problem in willpower or personal control.

People with Addictions Relapse

Some people that attend a Los Angeles rehab may relapse, but not all people do. In fact, in many programs, especially those who continue to use the 12 Step meeting and support groups, relapses are not common. If a relapse does occur there is often enough support to allow the person to learn from the experience and move forward.

It is true there is no cure for addiction. Once a person has an addiction he or she will need to manage their behavior and learn new ways to cope with stress, problems and issues in life. However, this is what a top Los Angeles rehab is all about, and they can make a huge difference in anyone’s life who attends.

When you need help in finding a Los Angeles rehab, let us know at Gooden Center. We offer residential programs for men and co-ed outpatient treatment options as well. To see more go to

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