Common Reasons People Drop Out Of A California Drug Rehab Center

by | May 25, 2015 | Drug Addiction Treatment Center

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There are many, many people who complete a 30, 60 or 90–day program through a California drug treatment center every day. However, there are also people who drop out of those same successful programs on a daily basis as well.

It is essential when choosing a California drug treatment center to ask about success rates, and how the treatment facility defines success. At the very least success should be measured by completion of the program, which is always the most important first step. Ideally success should also include moving forward in sobriety without a relapse, but this can be more challenging to track as some clients will go to different facilities, cities or even states and may be difficult to track.

Even with the best and most professionally managed California drug treatment center programs there will be people who choose to leave the program. Often they are not in the right mindset to live a sober lifestyle, but there can be other issues that cause some to quit the program.

Problems with Detox

The first seven to ten days of treatment, the period of withdrawal known as detox, is the highest for dropout risk. This is because the addict is often in some level of discomfort and pain both on an emotional as well as a physical level.

Medically supervised detox, where specific medications can be administered to reduce the discomfort can help. Look for a California drug treatment center offering medically supervised detox to prevent this issue.

Dislike of Facility or Staff

When a client in recovery doesn’t like the staff or doesn’t like the facility, it is harder to commit to stay when things are challenging. The top California drug treatment center staff understand this and, with their experience and knowledge of recovery they can create rapport with the clients very quickly.

A relaxing, welcoming and “home away from home” center is more appealing to most people than a more clinical environment. It is more natural and less like a treatment center, providing a more positive environment.

Unless the California drug treatment center offers a personalized treatment plan, it is hard to match every addict with a specific treatment model. By offering a personalized treatment there is a better match, ensuring the client see value and progress in the treatment and is comfortable during exercises, activities and group processes.

At our California drug treatment center, we strive to make a personal connection and individualized treatment plan for each of our clients. To discover the ASAP Rehab difference see us at website.

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