Tinting is most commonly associated with automobiles. It blocks harmful ultraviolet rays, reduces heat and glare, and makes the vehicle look fantastic. Adding to the value of the car is another advantage of tinting. These same benefits, along with a few more, are also enjoyed when residential and commercial windows are tinted.
Automotive Services
Tinting can range from making windows five percent darker than plain glass up to fifty percent darker. Vehicle owners will want to check on the tinting laws for the state before getting the job done. Laws vary from state to state, so go online for specifics. A wide selection of colors is offered to compliment the exterior.
While online searching for tint laws, go to Tintcity.com to use the virtual tint system. Owners can select the make, model, and color of their vehicle and view the final result with all tints available. Discover the exact shade and color desired to save time before making an appointment. An instant quote is offered for auto tinting.
Skin Cancer Program
Ninety percent of skin cancer cases are caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The most important component of recovery is a drastic reduction in sun exposure. In an effort to help protect those diagnosed and living with skin cancer, Tint City offers complete car window tinting at no cost. Details are available on the website.
Residential and Commercial Window Tinting
The benefits of having window film installed at home or on a commercial building are vast. In addition to the same benefits as auto tinting, lower utility bills, privacy, and less fading are experienced. The sun will fade carpets, curtains, upholstery, and wood furniture. Less fading translates to lower replacement costs as well as a reduction in the costs of cleaning and polishing supplies.
Metal furniture will not be hot to the touch in office buildings. Tinting will also increase productivity, especially on higher floors. The afternoon sun creates a lot of heat and glare, which slows workers down and can cause headaches for those at a computer. Experienced tinting companies, such as Tint City, will assess the needs of the building and present options for tinting possibilities.