Cyber breaches make it seem like nothing is safe on a network these days, whether you’re in Charlotte NC or elsewhere. However, there are some things you can do to ensure you have tight computer network security.
Make Sure to Completely Wipe Your Faulty Old Drives
The reason you can still recover your files is because the data is kept on the drive until you overwrite it with new files. It’s much faster for your drive to keep this data around instead of having to erase it entirely, according to HowToGeek. However, this means that if you leave an old, malfunctioning drive lying around, somebody may be able to extract your sensitive information from it and use it for suspicious activity. If you drive is found faulty and you need to move your documents over to a new drive, request that the old drive be completely wiped, too. If the provider refuses, look for somebody else to do the job for you.
Don’t Upload Every Single File You Own to the Cloud
Do you really need to keep your entire tax history in a place where other people could find it? Only keep the most essential files that you need in the cloud. If you’re working for a business, pull down any outdated data to protect yourself, the company, and its previous clients. Otherwise, you up the chances of having that data accidentally leaked, meaning you’ll either become the victim of identity theft or you’ll need to pay other people for potential damages.
Put Up Every Security Measure You Possibly Can
Set long passwords with a mix of alphanumeric characters and symbols, with a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters to increase its complexity. Set up two-factor authentication for every account you own just in case someone hacks into your network. Most of all, never, ever share your passwords with anyone else, no matter what. Whether you’re