The idea of going to jail is something no one wants to face, which is why it is important to hire criminal lawyers in Mankato, MN. Local criminal defense lawyers know that preserving a client’s freedom is important, regardless of the charges they face. That’s why attorneys use the following tactics to keep their clients out of jail and at home where they should be. Read on to learn how a lawyer can keep clients out of jail.
Demonstrating the Defendant’s Clean Criminal Record
If a person has a clean criminal history, the attorney will show this to the court. In many instances, a court may look more leniently on those with no prior criminal history, especially when the case involves alcohol or drug charges. While a client may be subjected to fines and additional penalties, a previously clean history can be an important part of keeping them out of jail.
Negotiating a Plea Bargain
An attorney may be able to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor. However, it’s highly dependent on the attorney’s ability, in-depth knowledge and the prosecutor assigned to the case. When all these factors are considered, a lawyer can form a legal strategy with the goal of preserving their client’s freedom and rights.
Recommending an Alternative Sentence
Criminal lawyers in Mankato, MN can recommend alternative sentences depending on the client’s charges. For instance, an alcohol treatment program is typically available under DUI law, and in the right circumstances, a defendant can enter a program instead of going to jail. A client may be able to go on house arrest, which relegates the incarceration to the home and typically allows the client to go to work during the sentence.
While no one wants to go to jail, a criminal lawyer can help to keep clients out. From offering a strong criminal defense to answering clients’ questions, the team at Blatz Law can help. Visit for additional information or schedule a consultation today by calling the office. With a criminal defense lawyer’s help, a client can lessen the severity of their sentence and possibly stay out of jail.
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