Dates in Boston: 3 Unique Ideas

by | Dec 5, 2014 | Lifestyle And Relationships

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Every woman enjoys being taken out on a date; however, girls are not the only ones who enjoy a good time. Men enjoy being surprised by a unique date every now and again too. Dates in Boston are not hard to come by; it is a beautiful city full of plenty of romantic and creative date locations. However, some people were not gifted with creative prowess and may even feel a little intimidated at the idea of putting together a “night out.” If you are feeling a little daunted at the idea of putting together a date night for your significant other, then you may have come to the right place. Take a look at the three creative date ideas listed below for a little inspiration. Romance will be blooming in no time!

Creative Idea One: Be Kids Again
There is something incredibly charming and just good-old-fashioned fun about playing games and “being a kid again.” If you are dating the less-formal type of individual, then this may be the perfect idea for a heartwarming and memory-building date. Have a lego building competition. Lay in the floor and color in coloring books together. Try building forts in your house with sheets and clothespins. Good natured fun has a way of leading to snuggles and smiles. Unleash your inner little kid and enjoy a fun night with your special someone. You may be surprised by how many people enjoy laid back dates in Boston instead of fancy, formal outings.

Creative Idea Two: Go Outside
Boston is a beautiful place to live, but far too many people spend their time sitting on the couch and watching movies instead of enjoying the scenery. Get adventurous and pack a backpack full of picnic goods for a day out in the sunshine. Psychologists have proven that when two attracted individuals partake in physical exercise together, they tend to become even more attracted due to chemicals stirred up in the brain by physical activity. Dopamine is exciting stuff, and it often lends itself to more intimate dates in general. Remember, dates in Boston do not have to be indoor affairs; get both of your hearts racing with a good hike.

Creative Idea Three: Make Art
Confident and open self expression is an extraordinarily attractive trait to most individuals. Spend some time painting together, listening to records, making music, singing, or some other creative task in order to be more transparent with each other and enjoy seeing a little of what lies beneath the surface. Boston is a very creative place, and dates in Boston should stay true to the fact.

Keep this information in mind in order to better enjoy Boston while showing your date a good time. With a little creativity and ingenuity, anyone can put together a fun, creative, relationship-strengthening date for his or her significant other.

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