A foreclosure is an unfortunate process. If your bank files a foreclosure against you, it is in your best interest to have a foreclosure defense attorney. We may be able to represent you in court as you fight against the process of having your home or business taken away from you.
The foreclosure process is complicated. If any of the paperwork was misfiled, there could be a mistrial granted in your case. The judge could also delay the case, which could give you more time to remedy your situation. We can take a look in order to see if everything was done the way that it should be according to the state law. Our attorney and staff may also take into consideration other circumstances when reviewing the detail of your case. For example, if you followed the bank’s instructions, but the company still filed a foreclosure, you may have more rights than you think.
Our goal is to protect your rights. We research the history of the situation. Our attorney or staff may ask you for documentation such as bank records or statements that show your payments and amounts due. We may also peruse the court and public records to find out how things were filed in your case. Our foreclosure services include representation for homeowners and business owners throughout the area.
At Diesel Injury Law, we are ready to review the details of your situation. If we can work as your foreclosure defense attorney, you can expect clear and consistent communication from us throughout your case. We explain the process to you so that you can stay on top of the situation. Contact Covert Marrero Covert LLP in order to schedule a consultation today. You may also visit us online in order to learn more about our legal services.