Starting a regular dental regimen for your child at an early age is important. Most dental issues in children can be corrected if they’re found soon enough. Below you’ll learn about common dental issues that can be corrected by a pediatric specialist in Bellevue NE.
Tooth Decay
It’s not uncommon for children to have cavities in their teeth. When children don’t properly brush their teeth, plaque will cause their teeth to decay. Dentists often recommend placing sealants on the teeth of a child to help prevent cavities. Sealants cover up the grooves in the teeth so food particles cannot penetrate the surface of the sealants. Babies who are often put to bed with a baby bottle are susceptible to getting baby bottle tooth decay. To protect your child from this type of dental issue, put water in the baby bottle at night.
Crooked Teeth
Your child may have crooked teeth due to genetics or from sucking on a pacifier. Children should stop using a pacifier before the permanent teeth start to erupt. A pacifier can cause the permanent teeth to come in crooked or be crowded. Your dentist may recommend a mouth appliance for your child to help straighten out the permanent teeth.
When your child has a toothache, place an ice pack wrapped in a towel next to the sore tooth. Mix one teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water and have your child to rinse with this solution. Call a Pediatric Specialist in Bellevue NE as soon as possible to make an appointment for your child.
Knocked Out Tooth
If your child knocks out a permanent tooth, place the tooth in milk or water and visit your dentist immediately. If you make it to the dental clinic soon enough, your dentist can save the tooth by placing it back into the socket. If a baby tooth was knocked out, you should still take your child to the dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will want to examine your child’s mouth to make sure that the permanent tooth underneath the knocked out tooth isn’t damaged.
pediatric dentist specialize in preventive dental care, fillings, sealants and extractions. Contact a pediatric dentist in your area to schedule an appointment for your child.