After years of drinking tea or sodas or smoking tobacco, many people would like to whiten their teeth. Teeth whitening in Puyallup, WA is offered at most dental offices. There are two methods for whitening teeth: dental whitening and home treatment whitening.
Many patients that visit the dentist want just a little whiter smile for special occasions. Some people have stains caused by tobacco, sodas, tea, medication, or aging. All of these play a role in the shade of your teeth.
Dental office whitening has come a long way in the last ten to twenty years. It is now easier and faster for a dentist to whiten the patient’s teeth. Not only that, the chemicals used today can produce much better results than just ten years ago.
Professional teeth whitening product performed at a dental office mostly use Hydrogen Peroxide or Carbamide Peroxide as the active ingredients. The process creates a chemical reaction which is safe for your teeth.
Over-the-counter or at home whitening kits can also provide patients with whiter teeth. These products require more treatment sessions than a dental office treatment and often times the results are not as good. These kits typically have a tray or sticky strip that fits on the top and bottom teeth. The bleaching agent is inserted into the tray which you will wear for several hours or overnight. These treatments tend to fade a lot faster than dental office whitening. Almost all at-home bleaching kits use peroxide as the bleaching agent.
Teeth whitening should only be performed on healthy mouths. Teeth cleaning session which removes tartar should be performed prior to the first bleaching session.
Also, be aware that teeth whitening agents do not work on crowns, fillings, and veneers.
If you have questions about teeth whitening in Puyallup WA then you should call or visit your dentist.