Dentistry in Haleiwa Prevents Oral Problems

by | Oct 16, 2014 | Dentistry

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When it comes to oral diseases, prevention is better than cure. Even without a problem, your dentist recommends visits for regular monitoring. Think of it as preventative maintenance -; just like your car! Even though your local dentistry in Haleiwa may see more pain and repair appointments, a dentist’s main job is to teach patients about prevention.

The advantages

* Save time: regularly visiting your dentist will help you avoid long and complicated care. Some dental lesions, taken in time, are easy to treat. The longer you wait, the more your teeth will thank you.

* Savings: a regularly scheduled check will prevent significant and, therefore, expensive care.

* Less fear: currently, your dentist has the means to help you avoid pain. In addition, regular care often means more comfort for you. This is important because the sooner you act, the less risks you take with your health.

What happens during the first consultation?

At the first appointment, the dentist examines your mouth, carefully diagnosing the possibility of decay and periodontal disease. They also check the status of any dental appliance. They will then take x-rays to further examine the teeth and jawbones. Then follows a series of questions about your general health: do you have diabetes, hypertension, etc.? What is you dental background (tooth loss, receding, fragility of the jaw, etc.)? Finally, the dentist looks at your lifestyle, that is to say, what you eat and the use of tobacco or alcohol. Unless there is an emergency, your local Dentistry in Haleiwa will not start genuine care at a first appointment.

The key words to know

Dental plaque is defined by a set of bacteria which attach to the teeth and eventually form a film on the surface. This plaque can harden into tartar which irritates the gums. It is in association with sugary foods that reject acid form cavities. Cavities are tiny holes which are formed on the surface of tooth enamel. They thrive in spaces between the teeth or in the grooves of the molars. The more they grow, the more holes that become irreversibly large.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, which swells in response to microbial plaque. This condition can be treated with effective brushing and regular cleanings. Periodontics can be defined as the worsening of untreated gingivitis, that is to say, periodontal inflammation. For more information, contact your local dentist.

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