In Texas, criminal defendants who are eligible for bail could acquire a release from the county jail via a bail bond. The bonds are available at a discounted rate that ranges up to fourteen percent of the total bail value. A local bail bond service in Williamson County, TX provides the option to all criminal defendants who were approved for bail.
How to Start a Bail Bond
The criminal defendant must provide the bail bondsman with their full name, the name of the facility where they are, and their booking number. The bail bondsman contacts the criminal court clerk to discuss details such as the bail value set by the judge.
What Payment Options are Accepted
The defendant or a representative for the defendant must provide a payment to the bail bondsman. Most bail bondsmen accept cash, credit card payments, and checks. It is also possible to utilize collateral instead of a direct payment. The collateral must have a value that is equal to or more than the total bail value.
Do Defendants Have Access to Bondsmen in Jail?
Yes, some county jails allow the defendant to have direct access to bail bondsmen while they are in jail. The bail bondsmen can visit the defendants to manage the defendant’s bail bond. The bail bond service in Williamson County, TX allow the defendants to manage their release while they are in jail. For some, the process allows them to get released at an earlier time.
What Happens if They are Arrested on the Weekend?
It depends on the county and whether or not a criminal court judge is available. Bail bondsmen have connections in the court system, and it is possible for them to get a judge’s signature on the release documents during the weekend. However, if a judge isn’t available the defendant remains in jail the entire weekend.
In Texas, criminal defendants could acquire a bail bond and get released from the county jail after their arrest. The process requires the defendant or a representative to submit a payment to a bail bondsman. Criminal defendants that need to learn more about a bail bond service in Williamson County, TX are encouraged to contact Williamson County Bail Bond.