Diagnosing Ear Problems Before Visiting An ENT in Bethlehem PA

by | May 26, 2017 | Ear Infection

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One of the most common problems that people experience with their ears is infections. It is not always easy to spot an infection and, of course, an ENT in Bethlehem PA should be seen to clear up the issue. But there are some guidelines to follow that one can use to check if that is the problem before going in.

* If there is moderate to severe pain in the ear, this is an indication that one may suffer from an ear infection. This is especially true if there is a fever present or if there is vomiting occurring. There may be a lessened desire to eat as the process of chewing can cause extra pressure in the ear.

* Often, ear infections are referred to as secondary infections which follow a common cold. Experts state that one should keep track of their symptoms while experiencing a cold so they can give the information to an ENT in Bethlehem PA. This is so they have all available information about the primary infection so they can properly treat the secondary infection.

* If the ear is plugged with pus, it may be hard for some people to hear. This can result in a general lack of attention to the world around them and the need for increased volume. Pay close attention to this and if there are signs of bleeding or discharge of any kind, medical attention should be immediately sought.

* Ear infections do not usually cause long-term issues. However, if the infection is severe and left untreated, the potential is there for certain levels of hearing loss, diminished speech development if the infection is in a young child, infection being spread throughout the body which can cause a host of other issues, or even the eardrum being torn.

* If an infection is suspected, make an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat doctor such as as soon as possible. They will ensure that all symptoms are gone over and that the best course of medical action is taken so that the patient can remain in optimal health and get back to living their life in a comfortable fashion.

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