Direct Mail Campaigns: What Professional Printing in Los Angeles Will Accomplish

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Printing

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The idea of trying a direct mail campaign to promote a new product sounds like a great idea. Compared with other marketing strategies, direct mail provides a relatively low-cost solution with the potential to reach the right audience. Along with making sure the mailing list is qualified, it pays to think about going with Printing in Los Angeles. Here are some of the ways that the pro can help the client choose the best direction for the campaign.

Stuffers or Postcards?

There are two common approaches to direct mail campaigns. One is to create cover letters and tear sheets that are placed in envelopes. The other is to print custom postcards with the relevant data. A professional who has done quite a few of these campaigns can point out the pros and cons associated with each approach. Relying on input from someone who knows professional printing in Los Angeles makes it easier to choose the best format for this particular campaign.

Assuming the customer does want to go with stuffers in envelopes, the right weight of paper must be used. Using something similar to copy paper provides a cheap feel that does not exactly exude confidence on the part of the recipients. A professional printer can identify the right weight of paper for the project and help the client avoid making the wrong impression.

Arranging the Data

The printer will likely have some suggestions about how to arrange the new product information so the recipients will want to read the entire document. This includes ideas about using sub-headers, bullet points, and even font sizes and colors to create a document that’s easy to scan. Holding the attention of the reader for even two or three more minutes improves the odds of generating a sale and making the campaign a success.

Remember that while a direct mail campaign is one of the least costly marketing strategies, the effort must result in sales to justify the expense. Contact the printer and get more information about different ways to structure the effort. In the long run, those suggestions will improve the quality of the campaign and increase the chances of earning lots of new customers.

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