How much stress have you been dealing with in connection with your marriage? Did you suspect that your wife was cheating on you? You may have believed your wife when she said that her job was forcing her to spend endless hours at the office or out of town. However, when you found out that she was sleeping with a co-worker, there was no question that you were betrayed. This may be why you are searching for a divorce attorney in Wichita, KS.
It is not easy to realize that you were living with a woman who repeated lied to you. However, the truth is what it is, and you need to find out what the law has to say about your situation. When you consult with a divorce attorney in Wichita, KS, you can go over all of the aspects of your case. You can speak freely knowing everything said will be confidential. So, if you just found out that your wife wiped out your savings account for a supposed business trip to Las Vegas last month, you can bring it up. Furthermore, if your wife has given you a sexually transmitted disease, you can bring this up too.
You have rights, and you need to find out what they are. You may want to fight for your home, car and retirement account. You also may want your wife to pay for the credit card bills that she ran up while she was enjoying her affair. Either way, when you discuss your case, you will have an idea of where you might stand in the court’s eyes.
Because no two cases are the same, you will need to go over the details of your case at the consultation. Once that has been done, you will be able to move forward. It is time to prepare for a new chapter in your life. It is time to say goodbye to all of the lies. You deserve to have a great life. The first step to moving on is to make an appointment for a consultation.