Emergencies never happen on schedule. The air conditioning usually stops working on the hottest day of the year. Knowing who to call when the unexpected happens can be the difference between being uncomfortable for a few days or comfort. Don’t chance waiting a couple days for a technician to come out to your house and repair your unit. Know who to call for HVAC Repair in Peachtree City, and you’ll stay cool when it’s hot outside.
No one wants to deal with an HVAC Repair in Peachtree City, but usually it’s not a matter of “if” it will happen, it’s a matter of “when.” Knowing what signs to look for, to indicate your unit may be in the first stages of a problem, can help avoid a full blown situation by catching it before the inevitable happens.
Water leaking near the unit may mean the drain pipe that removes the water outside is clogged. If instead of water, ice is building up on the unit, it will need more urgent repair as it will most likely stop working altogether. Sometimes, it’s recommended to turn the unit off to allow the ice to melt. When it does melt, the unit can be turned on again to keep the house comfortable until the repair technician arrives. Always keep an eye out for ice and if it builds up again, turn the unit off for defrosting again.
Another sign that you may need the services of an HVAC Repair in Peachtree City, such as Ferguson Heating and Air Conditioning Co Inc, is when the air blows out very lightly through the air vents. The air usually blows out with a satisfactory flow allowing comfort and even temperatures through the home. If the air is trickling out at a very low velocity, the blower may be malfunctioning or need to be replaced.
There is not much worse that sitting in a hot house when the temperature outside is blistering. By paying special attention to your air conditioner, you may be able to avoid a problem before it starts. Don’t ever ignore anything that seems amiss. Low air flow, water or ice on the unit or even an odd noise can all indicate a problem. Call to have it checked out right away, and hopefully you can avoid the aggravation of a broken down unit.