If your teeth or your child’s teeth are not as straight as you would like them to be, you have several different options for how to address that. One of the ways that you can deal with it is by getting teeth braces. Braces are simple devices that are made to help straighten the teeth.
How They Work
Braces are made of metal wires and pads that attach to your teeth. Each pad connects your tooth to a wire. Since the gums are fairly spongy, the teeth can be moved somewhat inside of the gums with minimal discomfort. So, the braces will be set to be a little bit straighter than the teeth are naturally. Over time, the tension will move the teeth straighter. Then, at the next appointment for teeth braces in Toms River, NJ, the dentist will adjust the braces.
Each adjustment brings the teeth a little closer to straight. You can click here to see what kinds of options for braces you might have.
How Long?
How long you have teeth braces depends on how straight you would like your teeth to be and how far your teeth are from that ideal. If your teeth are almost straight already, you might only need braces for a few weeks. If they are still growing and far from straight, you’ll need them for much longer. Braces are probably most common in middle school-aged children because they have all of their permanent teeth but the gums are still pliable enough to easily adjust the teeth.
When the teeth are adjusted in middle school, they will likely remain fairly straight for the rest of their lives. Adults can get braces as well; it just depends on how straight you want your teeth to be. You should talk with a dentist about your options.