Dog Clinic in Lenexa KS Accepts Emergencies, and Animal Rescue Dogs and Cats

by | Mar 1, 2018 | Animal Hospital

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Families caring for an animal they love will do anything to make sure they stay healthy and well. When they get sick it’s devastating to everyone, and they worry to death about them, just like a human family member. They only want the best veterinarian and staff examining, vaccinating, and performing surgery on them. There are animal clinics in the Lenexa, Kansas area who treat their patients like gold. The beds where they lay are clean as a pin, and the staff and doctors love and care for each one like it was their very own.

Learn How to Care For Your Pet

Just because a family goes to a shelter and adopts a dog or cat doesn’t mean they automatically know how to care for them. They may not know that cats like to check out the house certain times of the day, or that they feel they’re doing a good job by bringing mice they catch to the feet of their pet parent. They don’t know whether to feed their dog or cat dry food, or wet food, or a combination of both. Many veterinarian clinics have really nice websites online where people can learn all about their pet. If not online, they can ask their pet’s veterinarian directly.

Services Clinics Offer

There is no reason to take an animal to multiple veterinarians for treatment when there’s a full service dog Clinic in Lenexa KS. They do exams, lab work, emergency and planned surgeries, and also feature in house pharmacies. They also offer discounts for senior citizens, plus wellness maintenance, dental care and even veterinary acupuncture. For the busy pet parent who doesn’t have time to bathe, clip toenails, or trim their pet’s fur, the clinic offers a grooming service. Log onto for more information.

Discounts for Rescue Groups and Urgent Care

The Dog Clinic in Lenexa KS has veterinarians to care for animals needing urgent care, six days a week. Care is always available for animal rescue groups who come to the aid of animals left out in the snow, hit by vehicles, left in apartments when the renter moves out, or left at homes that have been foreclosed upon. The dog clinic’s staff and receptionists are always ready to schedule appointments for animals needing their care. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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