Raising a dog is not exactly like raising a child, but it does seem at times to take nearly as much effort, money and patience. If you are planning on adopting your first forever friend, there are some things that are important to remember to have ready before they enter your door.
The Basic Supplies
For Dog Supplies, the first to get are a collar and leash because it is important to make them comfortable with these items from the start. All dogs should have at least one daily walk, both for their health and their mental well-being. They must also have food suitable for their age and size as well as food and water bowls. A comfortable bed they can snuggle in is important if you wish to keep furnishing fur-free and at least one chew toy to assist with teething and nervous chewing.
The Important Contacts
They should visit the vet as soon as possible. They will need booster shots, deworming medication and screenings to ensure they are healthy. Your vet can also discuss with you how to prevent fleas, ticks and heartworms and when those medications should begin to be administered.
Also, have on hand the number of local animal hospitals that offer emergency care, the name and number of a reliable pet sitter and choose a good groomer. Schedule your first grooming appointment early as well, so they can be conditioned not to be afraid of this sometimes lengthy process. A pet boarding or daycare center may be necessary too, depending on your schedule.
The Little Extras
Toys and treats are fun, but there are some extras that can make life easier for you. Pee pads can be more absorbent than newspaper, and they are quieter as well. The rustling of newspaper can startle shy puppies and make them more likely to use a carpet instead. A brush, flea comb and doggy shampoo will clean them up after those unexpected messes they get into. Nail clippers and a doggy first-aid kit can help during small emergencies.
Business Name offers Dog Supplies and services of all types. They have dog-walking services, obedience classes and much more. You can visit them to help prepare for your new arrival as well as keep them with your contacts for when their services are needed. You can like them on Facebook.