Don’t Let an Injury Cause Financial Hardship When a Personal Injury Lawyer in Tyler, TX Can Help

by | Feb 20, 2018 | Lawyers

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Have you suffered an injury because of someone’s carelessness or a defective product? If the answer is yes, you should contact a personal injury lawyer in Tyler, TX. A sudden injury will affect your financial future if you’re unable to work and have medical bills that need to be paid.

A personal injury lawyer will never charge you a fee for their services out of your pocket. They work on a contingency fee basis and will only receive a portion of a settlement if they win the case. There’s no reason to try to represent yourself when a personal injury lawyer will do it for free.

Insurance Companies

An insurance company is only worried about retaining as much money as possible when they’re responsible for compensating an injury victim. They will attempt to record telephone calls and ask a variety of questions that don’t pertain to the accident. A victim should never agree to a recorded telephone call that could hurt their case in the future.

Medical Treatment

It’s very important to receive medical treatment as quickly as possible after an accident for several reasons. Early intervention of medical care improves a victim’s chance of recovering from their injuries faster. If an individual delays treatment for several days, it can affect the validity of their claim against the insurance company.

Admitting Fault

A victim should never admit fault at the scene of an accident or to the medical personnel they receive treatment from. Statements that are made by a victim could be documented in medical records or on a police report that could jeopardize their case. Only provide the information and the other driver necessary information such as name, address, insurance information, telephone number, and vehicle registration information.


A personal injury lawyer in Tyler, TX will help an individual receive compensation for lost wages, payment of medical bills, personal property loss, pain, and suffering. An individual should never agree to settle a case before their medical treatment has been completed.

If you’ve been injured, contact the Law Office of Holmes & Moore P.L.L.C. They have years of experience successfully representing personal injury victims and receiving fair settlements on the victim’s behalf. Like us on Facebook.

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