Ease Dog Anxiety with Mobile Dog Grooming

by | Mar 27, 2019 | Business And Finance

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Most dog owners in Millersville are well aware that just as every person has a unique and defining personality, so does every pet. Just like people, dogs can be confident or fearful, outgoing or shy, playful or retiring, compliant or defiant. And also just like people, dogs react to different situations differently. If you have a dog that is overly fearful or anxious, you understand just how much a change in routine or environment can disrupt your dog. Some dogs start excessive whining when their normal routine is disturbed, but others can go into full-scale panic attacks. This anxiety can be brought on by separation from you, exposure to strangers, or exposure to other dogs. For a dog with this personality type, professional grooming is a recipe for disaster.

Professional dog grooming contains all of the elements that can put most anxious dogs into a tailspin: a trip in the car, separation for the normal environment, exposure to other dogs. For a dog with serious anxiety issues, the resultant nervousness can seem to negate the wonderful benefits of grooming. On top of which, not all groomers are accustomed to grooming extremely fretful pets, so the more nervous the dog gets, the more agitated the groomer gets, until the entire grooming experience is one huge exercise in frustration for dog and groomer alike.

One way to solve the problem is to groom your own dog in your home. Although this may help to ease the dog’s anxiety, it is not always a quick fix for groomer frustration. Most people simply do not have the correct equipment to adequately groom their own pets, and generally, owners often lack the skills and expertise necessary to do a good and thorough job of grooming their pets, which means that much of the cosmetic and health benefits of a professional grooming are lost.

There is, however, another answer: mobile dog grooming. Mobile dog grooming is perfect for every dog, but especially for those dogs that suffer from excessive fear or anxiety. Mobile grooming is less stressful for your pet because your dog will not have to travel away from the normal environment. Also, there is no exposure to other dogs with mobile grooming. Your dog gets professional grooming with one-on-one attention.

If you have a dog whose personality needs a little extra TLC, or if you would like the convenience and ease of professional grooming without having to travel with the dog, contact a dog grooming service in the Millersville area. It will be great for your dog and great for you, too, because we could all use a little less stress and anxiety in our lives.

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