Electrical Work in Greenville SC Is Available To You

by | May 5, 2020 | Electrician

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If you are thinking of remodeling your home by adding a room or updating your kitchen, you will need to also upgrade your electrical system. This is recommended by most professionals in the industry. You must bear in mind that three decades ago, most homes were equipped with only a 60 amp electrical service that was linked to a screwed in panel and two fuse blocks.

One of the fuse blocks distributed electricity to the stove and another to the hot water heater. The remaining electrical needs for the home were served by 6 screwed in fuses and 15 amps of electrical power. Electrical Work in Greenville SC will allow you to have your home equipped with the right amount of amps for proper and safe distribution. Two decades ago, a home was equipped with 100 amps of electrical service so it has improved, but if your home is still at this level, you need to hire a good electrician to do the upgrade of 200 amps, which is what is acceptable these days.

Upgrading your electrical panel is also important because after a while they will corrode and weaken, which will cause power loss as well as cause the panel to burn. You should change to a circuit breaker panel, which is the norm today and this will get rid of the hazard of corrosion or having a weak panel. In addition, unlike the old fuse system, you will not have to keep changing fuses. All you would have to do is to reset your circuit breaker when necessary.

When you solicit Electrical Work in Greenville SC, be sure to get an electrician that uses modern technology to allow you to get the best from your home. Upgrading is the key to assuring your safety and also makes it more convenient for you. When the electrician installs a new panel in your home, you will have more space to put in additional circuits, if this is a requirement. This will be an advantage to you in the future in case you want to make more additions to your home or if you would like to install a new heating and cooling system. In addition, this will be an improvement to your home and a good selling point, if you decide to put your home up for sale in the future. It will increase the value of your home to make it more attractive for sale.

Electrical work Greenville SC – For the best Electrical work in Greenville SC, get in touch with Live Wire Electric.

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