Ensure Your Family Stays Dry Using an Expert Roofing Contractor in Independence Kansas

by | Jan 16, 2019 | Articles

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There are certain climates that can be harsh on a roof and the area around Independence Kansas is one of them. For one reason, the winds can get pretty strong and pull against the shingles on your roof. Another is the brutal cold that causes asphalt shingles to harden or pull away from the roof. When the shingles get loose, water can build up under them and freeze. Ice forming under the roofing will cause it to lift even further, and the cycle continues. A Roofing Contractor Independence Kansas can check for these types of a problem when they inspect your roof.

The most common failure with roofing is old age. The typical home roof is made from three-tab asphalt shingles. These are generally thin because they are designed to overlapped each other. However, thin shingles dry out quicker, tend to curl up in the heat and allow water to seep under them during storms. The best way to eliminate these problems is to have a roofing contractor in Independence Kansas replace the old roofing with something more durable. High-quality asphalt shingles tend to have a service life of about twenty years. An asphalt alternative known as composite shingles works much better because the shingles have multiple layers. This roofing solution is usually warranted for the life of the home.

When the roof of your home begins to leak, the water will usually soak into the first lumber that it finds. In many cases, this is the decking on the roof or the joists that support it. Roof decking is typically man-made materials such as plywood or OSB (Oriented Strand Board). These products make for easy installation, but they don’t handle getting wet very well.

When OSB or plywood soak up water, the wood begins to swell. This breaks the bonds between the resin and wood fibers which destroys the lumber. Problems like these can usually be found when a roofer inspects the roof. Things that they look for include dry seals around any roofing details such as flashing or vents, rotted lumber and signs of recent water leaks. Visit the website at  to learn more about roof inspections, repairs and replacement.

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